Activities 2023-24

During 2023-24, many activities were carried out aimed at launching the Cooperative's operations, strengthening its social base, and deepening its roots in the community.

In particular, regarding preparatory actions for starting operations, the following should be noted:

  • Implementation of the GAL project, which includes feasibility studies on the Cooperative’s business branches, as well as communication activities;
  • Presentation of the Cooperative’s idea to ImprendoCoop, winning third prize and the start-up award from Fondo Sviluppo;
  • Participation in the project design for the co-planning of the "Autonomy Paths" project by the Union of Frignano Municipalities, in a consortium led by Coopattiva, with Domus Assistenza and IRECOOP as partners. The proposal was approved, and co-planning has begun;
  • Analysis of hospitality structures potentially to be managed, feasibility studies on managing the Cervarola Refuge, Acquaria bakery, Bar Italia, and second homes, as well as discussions with the Municipality of Riolunato regarding the Parco della Luna;
  • Further planning for the Casa della Mariola and participation in the PNRR/borgo C call for its infrastructural development;
  • Participation in the Emilia-Romagna call for community cooperatives.

Additional actions aimed at launching operations include:

  • Personnel search;
  • Structuring of communication strategies.

Regarding the strengthening of the social base and community engagement, the following should be highlighted:

  • Maintenance and expansion of relationships with local stakeholders (Fanano, Lama Mocogno, Montecreto, Pavullo, Riolunato municipalities, Casello Dairy, Acquechiare Cooperative, Pievepelago Dairy, UniMore, Appennino Plus, Expirit, among others);
  • Consolidation of relationships with local producers;
  • Expansion of the social base.


"Autonomy Paths" Project

Goal: To support 12 young people with disabilities in achieving housing and work autonomy
Proposing body: Union of Frignano Municipalities
Funder: European Union – Next Generation EU
Implementing bodies: Coopattiva (lead), Domus Assistenza, IRECOOP, and Frignano Vivo
Duration: April 2024 - February 2026

Casa della Mariola

For housing autonomy, three beds have been set up within the Casa della Mariola in Acquaria (property of the Municipality of Montecreto).
The same facility will also have three additional double rooms independently used for hospitality (Room & Breakfast).
Young participants in the project, trained specifically in hospitality and tourism, may be employed to manage the accommodations. Frignano Vivo has obtained €75,000 (funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU) for energy efficiency, furnishing, and equipping Casa della Mariola (total project cost: €86,000).

Horticulture Training Workshops

Participants: Youth from the "Autonomy Paths" project
Dates: June 15 and July 6, at the Il Cespuglio delle Merafoglie farm (Lama Mocogno)
Responsible training body: IRECOOP; trainer: Emanuela Vanda, biologist and environmental guide, and member of Frignano Vivo.

Towards the Frignano Wheat Community

May 11: Biscuit tasting, prepared with original recipes by students from IAL Serramazzoni, using mainly local ingredients.

The biscuits created by the students of IAL Serramazzoni. May 2024. Photo by Luca Fanelli

June 30: Conversation with bakers, millers, and wheat producers from the area.

Incontro della costituenda comunità del frumento del Frignano. Roncoscaglia, giugno 2024. Foto di Daniele Guerri
Meeting of the emerging Frignano Wheat Community. Roncoscaglia, June 2024. Photo by Daniele Guerri.

August: Experimental baking at La Fontanella bakery using local flours.

Montorso Wild Camp

Created and organized by: Fabio Balestri and Mattia Pinotti
2024: Third edition, 5 weeks, 81 participants.

Montorso Wild Camp 2024. Pavullo nel Frignano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. July 2024. Photo by Luca Fanelli

© 2024 FRIGNANO VIVO - Partita Iva 04051540369 - Ente del Terzo Settore ex art.4 Dlgs 117/2017, iscritta al RUNTS, rep. n. 59792, sez. imprese sociali, data iscrizione: 25/10/2022
