

It is small, cheerful, and welcoming, with a beautiful view of the entire Scoltenna valley. Comprising 3 double rooms, with the possibility of adding a third bed, it was designed by Arch.
Every morning, the tasty breakfast included in the service is enhanced with quality local products:

The Place

We are in the center of the historic Acquaria hamlet (Montecreto Municipality), next to the parish church. The Casa della Mariola, once a private residence, then a public office, later abandoned, is a much-loved place for locals, generating interest and vitality for both the territory and guests.

Social Value

The value of Casa della Mariola is manifold:

  • the social value of a space reopening for a new hospitality project
  • the social value of employment for some local people throughout the year
  • the social value of work and an ideal place for some people with disabilities: soon, young people participating in an independent living and working program will also live in the house.


Casa della Mariola hosts territory exploration initiatives. The structure is easily accessible to walkers and hikers on foot or by bike and is very close to some renowned typical restaurants.

Our Room & Breakfas is for you if you love...

The peace and discreet beauty of Acquaria and the Frignano mountains.
Walking in nature and history, with an attentive and wonder-capable gaze.
Biking, mountain biking, e-biking in territories that can surprise.
Slow tourism and the gastronomy of the Modenese Apennines.

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